Hello! If you're looking for some bujo inspiation for your spreads and like flowers and pastels colours, don't worry, I've got you covered.
Like I mentioned in a previous post, HERE TITLE, I've been trying to get into my bullet journal again, but I've been lacking some inspiration when it comes to my pages. So I did some digging around instagram and found what I think they are my top 5 account when it comes to making a plain old notebook look pretty. Are you ready for some aesthetically pleasing photos? Because I am.

I've been following Caitlin for a few years now on YouTube and Instagram and, not going to lie, I aspire to be as organised as her. She just graduated but if you want to find some inspiration for your school/uni/classes in general journal definitely check her out.
You can find her YouTube here.
If you're looking for a super clean and organised spread you have to follow Alexis. Everything is very tidy and pleasing to eye. I love the mix of pictures and stickers because it's not too much but they're there you know?
Love. It.
Another one with super clean spreads is Daisy. Again pictures and stickers and all super cute. I like that she includes cutouts from tv shows, movies and artists because SAME. And her colour palette.
Jordan created the most dreamy art you can imagine. Just taking a look at her Instagram account and it makes me want to start drawing. Everything is very just perfect. She also had an online shop where she sells some of her stickers and other products, and a YouTube channel. I'm so glad I found her page because it's like a shot of inspiration every time she uploads.
This girl is the OG for me. Remember the Tumblr days? That how I bumped into Chey's account and she's the one who inspired me to start my own bullet journal with her posts. I had to scroll down a bit on her Instagram to find those pictures because her account doesn't focus on bujo spreads anymore but I know they always give me really good ideas for my own, so I had to include her in too.
Like Jordan, she has a online shop and I think her little corner on the internet is like a beam of light. Please, please, please you have to check her out.
That's all for today folks. These 5 accounts are really good resources if you're looking for some inspiration and even if you're not! they're just so nice to look at.
Question of the day: Where do you find your inspiration? please share it in the comments.
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