30 bullet journal ideas


With 2019 coming to an end I've been feeling the urge to star a bullet journal again. A couple of years ago I was really going for it. Had more than a few washi tapes and 4 or 5 pouches full of colourful pens but also I had a lot more time.

I know what you might think. The point of a bullet journal is to make things easier for you when you're in a crunch but I liked to take my time with it and make it pretty, have different spreads every month and match my tape to my highlighter of choice. But like I said I'm thinking about starting a journal again.
I already bought a 2020 planner but I also want to keep something else on the side for the creative stuff.

I've been watching a lot of "plan with me" videos on youtube and checking Instagram for inspiration and I put this list together so in case you're like me and want to keep track of things, other than the usual day to day tasks, you have a few ideas to get started.

1. Bucket list. Since it's the beginning of the year I think it's very fitting.
2. Monthly goals.
3. Trackers. For sleep, how much you spend or drink.
4. Skincare routine.
5. Tester page. For new pens or washi tapes.
6. Gratitude page.
7. Meal plan.
8. Or a list of recipes you'd like to try.
9. Capsule wardrobe (if you have one)
10. Wishlists.
11. Birthday and gift ideas (this one is very helpful, trust me)
12. Seasonal playlists.
13. Dream journal.
14. Weekly/monthly budget.
15. Your TBR.
16. Shows you want to watch,
17. Or reactions to shows you're watching.
18. One thought a day.
19. Self care ideas.
20. Doodle spread.
21. Seasonal activities you want to try.
22. Future DIY's.
23. Fonts (so you can practice different titles for your planner).
24. Packing list.
25. Your year in pixels (this one looks really cool at the end of the year!)
26. Brain dump.
27. Best moments page.
28. Cleaning schedule.
29. Book/film reviews.
30. Work/class timetable.

These are some of the prompts I'll probably be using in 2020. If you can think of any others please let me know! because I have a lot of notebooks I want to use.

Question of the day: Do you plan or bullet journal?

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